Many homeowners want to have a beautiful, lush green lawn. They fertilize the grass regularly and keep it watered at the correct times to achieve this goal. They may even use lawn care services Orlando to help them get their yards looking their best.
However, sometimes these efforts backfire. Several common lawn care mistakes can kill your healthy, vibrant grass.

It’s easy to over-fertilize, mainly if you apply granular fertilizer heavily. This can cause nutrient imbalances that stunt growth, damage plants, and pollute soil and water. To prevent this, always follow the instructions on the label and use slow-release fertilizers that release nutrients into the soil over time.
Nitrogen encourages leaf growth, phosphorus promotes root growth and flowering, and potassium helps the plant absorb other nutrients. However, too much of one or too many of all three can lead to many problems, from a spindly, unflowered lawn to a dead, brown property.
Use a slow-release fertilizer and avoid over-fertilizing during hot summer weather. It’s also a good idea to fertilize in the fall, as it boosts the grass for next spring. It’s a great way to keep the grass healthy and avoid disease problems like fairy rings, rust fungus, and dollar spots. Grass that is not fertilized grows more slowly and is less resistant to diseases.
The grass and other plants in your landscape require water to grow, but it’s easy to overwater. Luckily, there are a few signs you can watch for to know when your lawn is receiving too much water.
A spongey lawn is a sign that you must dial back the watering. When soil is too saturated, it doesn’t allow enough oxygen to reach the roots.
Another sign you’re overwatering is a layer of thatch forming on top of the soil. Thatch comprises partially decomposed organic material like grass clippings and shredded leaves. Usually, organisms in the soil break down thatch, but overwatering inhibits these processes, resulting in thatch build-up.
To prevent overwatering, test the soil often. For example, push your finger into the ground and see how moist it feels. A good time to do this is early in the morning, when it’s cooler, and there’s less chance of evaporation.
Overmowing occurs when you cut your grass more frequently than you need to. This can weaken the grass, encourage the growth of weeds, and damage the soil. When mowing the lawn, following the one-third rule is crucial, as is not cutting off more than that much of the grass blade. Also, never mow the lawn while it is wet. Wet clippings can clog mower blades and clump together, spreading diseases and weed seeds around the yard.
While a lush and beautiful lawn is a worthy goal, it can be challenging to maintain the perfect balance between mowing frequency and height, fertilizing, watering, and other care and maintenance practices. But by avoiding these common lawn care mistakes, you can keep your grass healthy and vibrant all year round. In addition, this will help you avoid problems like brown patch fungus, fairy ring, dollar spot, and other diseases that can occur when the grass is too short.
Not edging
Lawn edging is one of the most essential lawn care services Orlando. It provides a crisp, clean look and prevents grass from creeping over sidewalks, driveways, and flower beds. Edging is especially important in the late spring and summer when your lawn is going through a growth spurt. Keeping up with the growth will be challenging and may become weedy if you don’t edge your property correctly.
When you edge your lawn, use a tool that is easy to handle. The best choice is a long-handled tool resembling a shovel with a wheel and cutting blade. This tool allows you to walk along the pavement and cut a straight line.
Although edging takes a little extra time, it is worth the effort. Think of it as a frame for a photograph: it makes the whole picture look cleaner and more organized. In addition, a well-edged lawn will increase curb appeal.