Seven Unbelievable Facts About Water Damage Restoration

The first thing to do when faced with damage from water is to contact your insurance company. You should document with pictures and video, and you should make sure to have flood insurance since the typical homeowner’s policy doesn’t cover water damage. Water damage restoration can be done by yourself or by an expert. Depending on the type and severity, you might want to contact a water and mold specialist since they have access to tools that can measure for mold and residual moisture.

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Before doing any water damage restoration, shut the electric off at the breaker box and also unplug any electrical devices. Electric and water don’t mix well, so it’s a good idea to stand on a dry surface, and as a quick tip, don’t place newspaper on wet carpet as it will stain.

If items such as furniture are still dry, wrap the legs in aluminum foil to protect from contact with water. If possible, move the items to higher ground for better protection. For wet things like fabrics, you have to wash them first and then put them into the air circulation until dry.

Planning for unforeseen weather is difficult at best, and if faced with a flood from an overflowing river, for example, then all you can do is try to protect your property until the water subsides. Don’t assume anything when dealing with plumbing and water lines and water mains. Make it a routine to check for pipe leaks, roof leaks, sewer, and toilet backups. A small crack in a water pipe can put out 250 gallons of water in twenty hours.

Some disturbing facts to consider are that 93% of the water leaks, as mentioned above, can be prevented and caused $9.1 billion in damage in the years 2007 to 2009 and …

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Inviting Outdoor Trends For Commercial Spaces 2020

Today, the workplace has gelled into a mix of grey office buildings and nature. We’ve discovered the value in nature and natural sunlight to productivity. People absorb Vitamin D through the skin and eyes.  Where there’s a health benefit, there’re savings for the company in lost time and insurance coverage.  So, commercial landscaping and outdoor furnishing companies have taken advantage of the new niche.

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Outdoor Work space Designing Niche

They specialize in this design. Each company has to adapt to the environment that they design the outdoor work space for. For instance, weather and wear and tear are two of the greatest concerns next to durability. There are dozens of people at one time using the furniture for eight or more hours a day, five days per week. 

Some of those design plans can include covered, open-air patios with operational work stations. Other outdoor designs can sprawl terraces on multi-floor structures.  While other spaces are on the roof of buildings that house vegetable gardens and atrium.

They make great spaces to move the body in the great outdoors.  Some companies have taken advantage of this too. Lunch and learn yoga breaks and stress reduction classes. This ensures increased focus and concentration hence, happier and more engaged employees.

What can it all look like?

With all the above creative commercial landscaping, imagine the transformation. Instead of employees that are cooped up in cubicles with stale air who focus and concentrate as well as a tse-tse fly, you have the direct opposite. Employees with incredible focus and concentration whose nervous systems, brain and immunity are stronger than ever. They no longer call in sick because they have stress attributed to a dull and depressing environment.

The Science that Backs it:

Mellon University did a controlled study that found the productivity to be …

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